Today’s story is about the place where most inner journeys start. It is not at all about happiness or sunshine. It is about a place I visited in my story or other people’s stories. It is where all the lived experiences seem like hits of the faith that can take down a dragon. It felt like a cold, dark, wet cave, that abyss of existence. I still see it pictured by many people I meet, and I remember vividly the cold and the gloom I encountered.
It is full of people down there. Victims mainly, but aggressors and villains too. It is like a battle ring where everyone fights everyone. Life there is defined by its alertness and worry about what hit you will receive next and what tactics to use to prepare for your revenge.
The darkest dungeon in existence
It is full of hate, blame, shame, and illness. It is like a haunted castle where the reign is depression, and the king is the war. People seem to fear and worship death the most. There, fear of death is the cause, and death seems to be a reasonable solution for some who want to escape that suffering and misery.

The illness is seen as a punishment device of karma. It is believed there is no cure; if it is, it is out there, somewhere, hidden from the eyes of the people and shadows living there. Responsibility is with someone else; redemption is a continuous fight and resistance. There is no acceptance.
There is little hope, no dreams except nightmares, and no realization. All shades are more extensive and darker and have power over people. All talk and act in the name of the darkness, even though they use love as the argument. All the thoughts and words are meant to keep them there forever. It is all about revenge, blame, resistance, shame, pain, illness, and fight; it is about rejection and dependence in all its forms, helplessness, powerlessness, sadness never lived, grief, tears, suffering, and sacrifice.
All people are turned against each other, against the dark gods or terrible faith, karma, or cruel destiny. It is all about excuses and limitations. People there work their lifetime to build walls of rules bigger, thicker, and taller in the name of a love that is just an attempt to protect themselves and survive one more day.
They build walls and teach others to do the same in the name of love or protection. The only possible success comes when they get to enslave and chain themselves so that their only hope and option is not to move but wait, suffer, and resist another day, like in a blood limit withdrawal wicked game.
It is complete, dark, and cold down there. So many of the damned who remain in that realm will never even know there are suns, moons, or stars, that there is hope, or that life can be lived in another vibration. They are too busy raising their walls to see any of it.
There is hope
When light people go down there, they are barely noticed; their light is fading just like stars at dawn. All seems so far away that very few people dare to look up.
In some people, the light immerses them from within. These are the braver of their kind who dare to face their truths and see that the walls they build are a sure recipe for living enslaved. They do their best to abolish all that suffering. Some others believe too much in freedom and chase it until the end of the world.
For some others, hope comes from partnering with curiosity to know what is behind the walls, asking themselves why they need all their surroundings, and eventually finding their way out.
I trust lots can stop momentarily and look up or inside for stardust or a spark of light or maybe search for curiosity to partner with to break those walls.
There is hope.
Look up; little stars and the moon are waiting to be seen. When you notice them, they help you find the button that turns on the lights. In light, all shadows fade away.

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