Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă self esteem

Isn’t it?

Here you are… looking away to see beyond the Universe’s boundaries. Your eyes search for meaning you won’t find there away, but here, in this very present moment, where the senses can capture the weaving thoughts trying to run away…. Continuă lectura →


Did you notice we label everything and everyone around us? We analyze and compare and judge everything against every vital aspect of ourselves. We evaluate life as good, bad, ugly, outstanding, or other attributes. And those criteria represent our perceptions,… Continuă lectura →

Totems and powers

Did you find your magic power? What about your magic totem? Today’s story is about the clues that form my kind of magic and my journey map to find them.I’ve always been nosy to know how one can find their… Continuă lectura →

The wheel of time. Poem

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The wheel of time starts spinning, and life goes back and back, To its very beginning, through nothingness to black. To where life ignited, in humans the first time, To that fantastic garden, with angel’s songs and rhymes. – The… Continuă lectura →

What is NLP and how can you use it in your own life?

What is NLP, and how can it help NLP is a methodology for understanding, exploring, and changing human behavior. It involves looking at the „language of our unconscious mind” to understand how we experience and create our reality. It stands… Continuă lectura →

Worries me – worries me not…

„To worry or not to worry? This is the question.” Today’s story is about the way I witness anxiety and continuous worrying. Have you ever been anxious? That feeling is weird, am I right? You are in endless alert mode…. Continuă lectura →

My affair with NLP

Have you ever been so passionate about something that you become addicted to it at first sight? It happened to me with NLP. I call it „the affair” of my life! When I started my first job, it became clear… Continuă lectura →

Let me be that! Poem

It’s dark in my heart now again. There is no one around—silence and blackness reign over my emptied soul realm. Yet, I am not afraid anymore. I know I am still home. This weird feeling of safety creates an energy… Continuă lectura →

The way of hard truths

The way of hard truth – tells a story about accepting inner stories many of us repeat to ourselves. It is a story of truth, of no lies.

What if I….

I felt like a goldfish in my wonderful protecting bowl for a long time. I had all that I needed to be happy and was happy with all that I had. I was admired by people around me, loved by… Continuă lectura →

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