Do you have the feeling you are getting older, too? I do. Especially when I realized earlier this week that I have less than 100 days until I get 40. I started to notice every wrinkle. I am one of… Continuă lectura →
Changing my story. Anatomy of rejection.
This is a story about the struggle of the mind and soul when dealing with rejection. It is the tale of choosing between running, hiding and lying to myself or facing and healing the most hurtful feeling of rejection
The biggest heartbreak I ever had, originated from my expectations. Did you know that we tend to put ourselves on the stage and imagine that we get the attention of other people? Social psychology proved that we don’t get as… Continuă lectura →
I searched the Earth to find mirrors to project myself in and see who I really am. I found many of them. I was dreaming that the mirror is magical and I am Snow White – a stunning air of the enchanted reflection.
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