Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă dark

The void

In the heart of the void, I rest my being but not my thoughts. The darkness is pressuring me to run away and never look back. Yet its core is magnetically dragging me into that place I only dream of… Continuă lectura →

The choice of becoming

The story today is about choices and intention. I am working to increase my awareness and conscious living. So, inevitably, I started to pay more attention to what was happening within and around myself. The quarantine period promises one good… Continuă lectura →

A feeling of darkness

Today’s story is about the place where most inner journeys start. It is not at all about happiness or sunshine. It is about a place I visited in my story or other people’s stories. It is where all the lived… Continuă lectura →

© 2025 Mihaela Stancu | Learning Architect. Coach — Propulsată de WordPress

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