Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă life

Life’s playground

Have you ever wondered why, as they grow older, people become sleepier and more rigid? Do you remember looking at the world upside down through your legs as a kid? That’s the funniest shape the world around could have. The… Continuă lectura →

Life matters

I often struggle to explain to myself the deal behind human life. And often, I give up thinking about it as my limited mind is not encompassing the infinity of the universes, the depths of life and death. Yet, when… Continuă lectura →

Forest teachings

Have you seen how perfectly imperfect everything is in nature? There is no imposed order; plants are free to grow as they want to, where they want. The Earth welcomes, hosts, and nurtures lovingly every fallen seed. Amid ancient forest,… Continuă lectura →

Life is life!

I realize these days, when my home is my whole world, that I made a hell of a journey until today. I love my house, my job, and my family, and my husband, and I love to spend this time… Continuă lectura →

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