The biggest heartbreak I ever had, originated from my expectations. Did you know that we tend to put ourselves on the stage and imagine that we get the attention of other people? Social psychology proved that we don’t get as… Continuă lectura →
My birthday wish: I wish that all my hopes become dreams, all my dreams become wishes, all my wishes become choices and all my choices become behaviors, though part of who I am and what I believe in.
Is been a while since I experience a feeling of stillness. It is nice on the one hand, but scary on the other. It seems that everything around me is still. Like an icy rain shower that keeps everything cold… Continuă lectura →
I felt teared apart many times and in many ways. I felt I live in the same time in million universes and went in as many directions. I roamed all these years in the pursuit of something undefined, unspecified, unknown… Continuă lectura →
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