Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă Poem

Deeper roots… Poem

I am the love adorning the earth when sunset comes,And the desire igniting in my human soul.I am the spark that sees the grace in filthy ones,The silver moon vibrating at late whispering howl. I am a watchful portal witnessing… Continuă lectura →

It’s all coming back to me now

In the heights of desires, I am searching for something. I’m not sure for what precisely, yet I see the quest. It calls upon me when I am the most relaxed, the busiest, and even asleep in my dreams. I… Continuă lectura →

The eyes of hope. Poem

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I used to feel so at home in your presence. You burned the incense of hope in me and made me see myself through your eyes. I was so magically beautiful! I loved and feared that charming creature that was… Continuă lectura →

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