Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă Acceptance

Truth over lies. Just thoughts…

I used to be a master of lies. It was my ideal form of disguise, my runaway from the things that hurt me. When events, people, or situations provoked my feelings, I thought showcasing my emotions weakened me, giving them… Continuă lectura →

Changing my story. Anatomy of rejection.

Changing my story. Anatomy of rejection.
This is a story about the struggle of the mind and soul when dealing with rejection. It is the tale of choosing between running, hiding and lying to myself or facing and healing the most hurtful feeling of rejection

Forest teachings

Have you seen how perfectly imperfect everything is in nature? There is no imposed order; plants are free to grow as they want to, where they want. The Earth welcomes, hosts, and nurtures lovingly every fallen seed. Amid ancient forest,… Continuă lectura →

The universe inside the mind

„Our mind is like a house.„ Inspired by the TV Series „Freud.” I was impressed by the metaphor that compared our mind with a house. The conscious mind is a light candle that illuminates one room, one part of the… Continuă lectura →

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