Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă depression cure

The day I remembered to cry!

For many years I considered crying a gesture of weakness. It is the culture I was raised in teaching me so. I tried to be taught in impossible life moments, and I made it. But somewhere inside me, that grief… Continuă lectura →

Don’t give up!

I remember the days when my health was not at its best. I was just investigated and, later on, diagnosed with a chronic disease. My body was in pain; my mind was tired and sleepy, and the incoherent thoughts from… Continuă lectura →

A feeling of darkness

Today’s story is about the place where most inner journeys start. It is not at all about happiness or sunshine. It is about a place I visited in my story or other people’s stories. It is where all the lived… Continuă lectura →

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