I realize these days, when my home is my whole world, that I made a hell of a journey until today. I love my house, my job, and my family, and my husband, and I love to spend this time… Continuă lectura →
– Do you remember how it was to feel free, safe and loved by life no matter where you go or what you do ? I do too. And I wish to live those feelings once again. Nowadays, people sank… Continuă lectura →
Is been a while since I experience a feeling of stillness. It is nice on the one hand, but scary on the other. It seems that everything around me is still. Like an icy rain shower that keeps everything cold… Continuă lectura →
I noticed in my life more and more people around me unhappy with what they have, what they do, or what they are. Some of them sacrificed their personal life, their families, their relations for a better career, others, on contrary, abandoned… Continuă lectura →
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