Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă #Time

Blame game exit

The biggest heartbreak I ever had, originated from my expectations. Did you know that we tend to put ourselves on the stage and imagine that we get the attention of other people? Social psychology proved that we don’t get as… Continuă lectura →

A life with the scent of a smile

Can you imagine to wake up every day and just be happy? Or do you remember the last time when you felt like that ? I used to wake up smiling every day. Not just smiling. With a huge smile… Continuă lectura →

Life matters

I often struggle to explain to myself the deal behind human life. And often, I give up thinking about it as my limited mind is not encompassing the infinity of the universes, the depths of life and death. Yet, when… Continuă lectura →

New sightseeing of my life!

Duomo, the place where all souls feel welcomed! It was just a regular visit – a short city break to Milan. I have never been there before. Meeting awesome people after two decades, good Italian food and wine, the warmth… Continuă lectura →

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