Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

lună martie 2020

6 strategies to befriend your fears

Today, I’ll tell you a story about fear. As you can notice, a wave of fear has fallen on the Earth, putting a veil of worry over many of us and our tiny universes. Thousands of specialists encourage people not… Continuă lectura →

Smile back to life!

– Do you remember how it was to feel free, safe and loved by life no matter where you go or what you do ? I do too. And I wish to live those feelings once again. Nowadays, people sank… Continuă lectura →

The endless dance of shadows

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There cannot be darkness without light, nor in the absence of night, not on this Planet. There is no good without evil, no heroes without villains, no noise without silence, no acceptance without denial, nor love without hate. All pairs are different coins…. Continuă lectura →

What if I….

I felt like a goldfish in my wonderful protecting bowl for a long time. I had all that I needed to be happy and was happy with all that I had. I was admired by people around me, loved by… Continuă lectura →

I believe in magic

I was born in a sign that I think, invented daydreaming. I grew up as a kid with imaginary friends, creating, designing, crafting my toys, fixing broken things, curious to know and learn about this world, and doing it all… Continuă lectura →

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