Did you find your magic power? What about your magic totem? Today’s story is about the clues that form my kind of magic and my journey map to find them.I’ve always been nosy to know how one can find their… Continuă lectura →
It is known that the night before St. Andrews (the night of November 29th) is magical on this land. The legend says this is the night lost souls (vampires, werewolves, ghosts) transcend the border between humans and souls and return… Continuă lectura →
Do you have the feeling you are getting older, too? I do. Especially when I realized earlier this week that I have less than 100 days until I get 40. I started to notice every wrinkle. I am one of… Continuă lectura →
I can see your face in the silver light, So majestic, so ethereal appearance you have! Your light touch feels like a warm summer breeze over the sea at night, spreading love and mystery. From the mist and clouds surrounding… Continuă lectura →
I was born in a sign that I think, invented daydreaming. I grew up as a kid with imaginary friends, creating, designing, crafting my toys, fixing broken things, curious to know and learn about this world, and doing it all… Continuă lectura →
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