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Deeper roots… Poem

I am the love adorning the earth when sunset comes,And the desire igniting in my human soul.I am the spark that sees the grace in filthy ones,The silver moon vibrating at late whispering howl. I am a watchful portal witnessing… Continuă lectura →

Let me be that! Poem

It’s dark in my heart now again. There is no one around—silence and blackness reign over my emptied soul realm. Yet, I am not afraid anymore. I know I am still home. This weird feeling of safety creates an energy… Continuă lectura →

The way of hard truths

The way of hard truth – tells a story about accepting inner stories many of us repeat to ourselves. It is a story of truth, of no lies.

The traveler. Poem

I searched the Earth to find mirrors to project myself in and see who I really am. I found many of them. I was dreaming that the mirror is magical and I am Snow White – a stunning air of the enchanted reflection.

Love rayed faces

Have you noticed how beautiful people are when they love you? Summer is the best season to fall in love. The sun makes souls glow, faces smile, hearts beat faster, and eyes search for other watches and open the doors… Continuă lectura →

Brave heart. Poem

I lived a life of fear. Fear of losing you, or me; fear of losing me in you. That fear became my religion, my faith. I believed that being cautious would save you or perhaps me of you and me…. Continuă lectura →

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