Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă self love

Don’t give up!

I remember the days when my health was not at its best. I was just investigated and, later on, diagnosed with a chronic disease. My body was in pain; my mind was tired and sleepy, and the incoherent thoughts from… Continuă lectura →

Smile back to life!

– Do you remember how it was to feel free, safe and loved by life no matter where you go or what you do ? I do too. And I wish to live those feelings once again. Nowadays, people sank… Continuă lectura →

What if I….

I felt like a goldfish in my wonderful protecting bowl for a long time. I had all that I needed to be happy and was happy with all that I had. I was admired by people around me, loved by… Continuă lectura →

For me, to BE ME, is my greatest value!

Before closing the NLP Train the Trainer, we had to find a message to define our future dream as trainer. My mind was empty, but while walking around in peace, hearing just my breath, my mind emptied slowly. Out of… Continuă lectura →

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