I wanted to see you become. But more, I longed to keep you safe. I was sure your vulnerability, authenticity, and pure soul would not resist the pressure of the heartless world, and you’ll break. I needed you whole. I… Continuă lectura →
It’s dark in my heart now again. There is no one around—silence and blackness reign over my emptied soul realm. Yet, I am not afraid anymore. I know I am still home. This weird feeling of safety creates an energy… Continuă lectura →
And what if I am a million pieces combined to sparkle one single ray of light? I dedicate today to telling the story of who I am. I am nothing more or less than who I chose to become in… Continuă lectura →
I felt teared apart many times and in many ways. I felt I live in the same time in million universes and went in as many directions. I roamed all these years in the pursuit of something undefined, unspecified, unknown… Continuă lectura →
I received a gift the other day. I feel grateful and blessed to have people around me who support me with these amazing resources. I was writing my new article on self esteem. I received a recommendation of Virginia Satir’s… Continuă lectura →
I noticed in my life more and more people around me unhappy with what they have, what they do, or what they are. Some of them sacrificed their personal life, their families, their relations for a better career, others, on contrary, abandoned… Continuă lectura →
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