Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă shadows

Where the night meets the light – Poem

Where the light meets the night, there is the moon, there are stars, but the soul’s gaze has a dusk sight, freezing with fear, cracking the scars. When the black reigns the night, shadows and demons come back from the… Continuă lectura →

The stories that once broke me

The stories that once broke me are not me. Often, I feel I am living them over and over again. That torment is absorbing me like a tornado, and it takes me back, like in „Groundhog Day,” in a timeless… Continuă lectura →

Darker corners

In my development endeavor, I had to face lots of shadows. And I had to! There was no alternative but to ignore them. For a long time, they reminded me of an unwanted part of myself, a face I judged… Continuă lectura →

Don’t give up!

I remember the days when my health was not at its best. I was just investigated and, later on, diagnosed with a chronic disease. My body was in pain; my mind was tired and sleepy, and the incoherent thoughts from… Continuă lectura →

The endless dance of shadows

Articol reprezentativ

There cannot be darkness without light, nor in the absence of night, not on this Planet. There is no good without evil, no heroes without villains, no noise without silence, no acceptance without denial, nor love without hate. All pairs are different coins…. Continuă lectura →

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