Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

lună august 2020

A life with the scent of a smile

Can you imagine to wake up every day and just be happy? Or do you remember the last time when you felt like that ? I used to wake up smiling every day. Not just smiling. With a huge smile… Continuă lectura →

Dreamverse… Poem

I can’t stop imagining our universe. That mirage, in which we are solely happy, where there is no pain, no hard choice to make, no broken dream or heart, no suffering, and no shadows. In that universe, life flows effortlessly…. Continuă lectura →

The stories that once broke me

The stories that once broke me are not me. Often, I feel I am living them over and over again. That torment is absorbing me like a tornado, and it takes me back, like in „Groundhog Day,” in a timeless… Continuă lectura →

Let me be that! Poem

It’s dark in my heart now again. There is no one around—silence and blackness reign over my emptied soul realm. Yet, I am not afraid anymore. I know I am still home. This weird feeling of safety creates an energy… Continuă lectura →

The sacrifice: choice or lifestyle?

Sacrifice can be a choice. But for many people like the character Stefan Salvatore, sacrifice is not only a choice, is a lifestyle!

Life matters

I often struggle to explain to myself the deal behind human life. And often, I give up thinking about it as my limited mind is not encompassing the infinity of the universes, the depths of life and death. Yet, when… Continuă lectura →

Who am I? Poem.

Who am I? WHO AM I? I am….. Solely a traveler of my life who comes and goes roams to cherish their moments and experiences. Just a watcher of the show that life plays around me every day, starring old… Continuă lectura →

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