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New sightseeing of my life!

Duomo, the place where all souls feel welcomed! It was just a regular visit – a short city break to Milan. I have never been there before. Meeting awesome people after two decades, good Italian food and wine, the warmth… Continuă lectura →

Put your own oxygen mask before helping others

When I first read this note: „put your own oxygen mask before helping others” in the airplane, I thought that is the most selfish gesture in the whole universe. When I came back to the root cause of the issues, I was amazed how few simple things positioned me in a finer, healthy and stronger position to help me first and then others. And it triggered even better results on the other side.
This is when I remembered the airplane saying that in other words means, help yourself, so you better help others.

For me, to BE ME, is my greatest value!

Before closing the NLP Train the Trainer, we had to find a message to define our future dream as trainer. My mind was empty, but while walking around in peace, hearing just my breath, my mind emptied slowly. Out of… Continuă lectura →

The frozen dream

Is been a while since I experience a feeling of stillness. It is nice on the one hand, but scary on the other. It seems that everything around me is still. Like an icy rain shower that keeps everything cold… Continuă lectura →

Vision lights your path

I studied and practiced many years the best method of goal setting. I tried and adapted my style in many situations and with many other players: with myself, with my teams, and on my projects. I experienced outstanding achievements and… Continuă lectura →

My journey back HOME.

I felt teared apart many times and in many ways. I felt I live in the same time in million universes and went in as many directions. I roamed all these years in the pursuit of something undefined, unspecified, unknown… Continuă lectura →

Self-esteem is only about US… inside-out.

In the last week self esteem workshop, we looked to ourselves inside-out in the attempt to observe the self esteem. The reality is that we see ourselves in different ways: We see ourselves through the glasses of social norms and… Continuă lectura →


I received a gift the other day. I feel grateful and blessed to have people around me who support me with these amazing resources. I was writing my new article on self esteem. I received a recommendation of Virginia Satir’s… Continuă lectura →

The link between self-esteem and ego.

Did ever occurred to you to receive a compliment that you thought is not true? Or did you ever relied mainly on other people to make you compliments while in your silence you just criticize yourself over and over again?… Continuă lectura →

Discovering self esteem welcomes the silence

I noticed in my life more and more people around me unhappy with what they have, what they do, or what they are. Some of them sacrificed their personal life, their families, their relations for a better career, others, on contrary, abandoned… Continuă lectura →

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