Did you find your magic power? What about your magic totem? Today’s story is about the clues that form my kind of magic and my journey map to find them.I’ve always been nosy to know how one can find their… Continuă lectura →
The wheel of time starts spinning, and life goes back and back, To its very beginning, through nothingness to black. To where life ignited, in humans the first time, To that fantastic garden, with angel’s songs and rhymes. – The… Continuă lectura →
What is NLP, and how can it help NLP is a methodology for understanding, exploring, and changing human behavior. It involves looking at the „language of our unconscious mind” to understand how we experience and create our reality. It stands… Continuă lectura →
„To worry or not to worry? This is the question.” Today’s story is about the way I witness anxiety and continuous worrying. Have you ever been anxious? That feeling is weird, am I right? You are in endless alert mode…. Continuă lectura →
The story today is about learning from our worst times, being grateful for the fantastic gift that is called life, and projecting our wildest hopes out there to make them real!
Changing my story. Anatomy of rejection.
This is a story about the struggle of the mind and soul when dealing with rejection. It is the tale of choosing between running, hiding and lying to myself or facing and healing the most hurtful feeling of rejection
Some of you might not know that I have an engineering diploma – in computer science. I’ve always been very good at math and understood physics and chemistry beyond the rigid calculations and formulas taught in school. It came naturally… Continuă lectura →
I can’t stop imagining our universe. That mirage, in which we are solely happy, where there is no pain, no hard choice to make, no broken dream or heart, no suffering, and no shadows. In that universe, life flows effortlessly…. Continuă lectura →
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