In the heart of the void, I rest my being but not my thoughts. The darkness is pressuring me to run away and never look back. Yet its core is magnetically dragging me into that place I only dream of… Continuă lectura →
Remember the joy used to shine through my eyes? It is shaded and buried in the dark, deep inside… Remember the fire igniting in my soul? Is smoldering and boiling the blood dark as coal… Remember the wilderness that was… Continuă lectura →
I feel like an outcast just by being aware of who I am and knowing no one else is exactly like me. I am stepping shy into my unique place – that tiny place in this world that only I… Continuă lectura →
Here you are… looking away to see beyond the Universe’s boundaries. Your eyes search for meaning you won’t find there away, but here, in this very present moment, where the senses can capture the weaving thoughts trying to run away…. Continuă lectura →
I wanted to see you become. But more, I longed to keep you safe. I was sure your vulnerability, authenticity, and pure soul would not resist the pressure of the heartless world, and you’ll break. I needed you whole. I… Continuă lectura →
Did you notice we label everything and everyone around us? We analyze and compare and judge everything against every vital aspect of ourselves. We evaluate life as good, bad, ugly, outstanding, or other attributes. And those criteria represent our perceptions,… Continuă lectura →
When life gets complicated, I run from it in my mind or in my dreams. I find a cozy shelter in my neural paths, as it is all so familiar and easy up there. I have many paved trails and… Continuă lectura →
Have you ever wondered why, as they grow older, people become sleepier and more rigid? Do you remember looking at the world upside down through your legs as a kid? That’s the funniest shape the world around could have. The… Continuă lectura →
Did you find your magic power? What about your magic totem? Today’s story is about the clues that form my kind of magic and my journey map to find them.I’ve always been nosy to know how one can find their… Continuă lectura →
What is NLP, and how can it help NLP is a methodology for understanding, exploring, and changing human behavior. It involves looking at the „language of our unconscious mind” to understand how we experience and create our reality. It stands… Continuă lectura →
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