Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

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The sacrifice: choice or lifestyle?

Sacrifice can be a choice. But for many people like the character Stefan Salvatore, sacrifice is not only a choice, is a lifestyle!

Life matters

I often struggle to explain to myself the deal behind human life. And often, I give up thinking about it as my limited mind is not encompassing the infinity of the universes, the depths of life and death. Yet, when… Continuă lectura →

Who am I? Poem.

Who am I? WHO AM I? I am….. Solely a traveler of my life who comes and goes roams to cherish their moments and experiences. Just a watcher of the show that life plays around me every day, starring old… Continuă lectura →

The day I remembered to cry!

For many years I considered crying a gesture of weakness. It is the culture I was raised in teaching me so. I tried to be taught in impossible life moments, and I made it. But somewhere inside me, that grief… Continuă lectura →

Light dragons

I always knew that I was blessed and taken care of by light beings. A guardian angel was always by my side. I felt that many times! I accepted my divine protection in childhood and had fun knowing it there…. Continuă lectura →

The way of hard truths

The way of hard truth – tells a story about accepting inner stories many of us repeat to ourselves. It is a story of truth, of no lies.

The traveler. Poem

I searched the Earth to find mirrors to project myself in and see who I really am. I found many of them. I was dreaming that the mirror is magical and I am Snow White – a stunning air of the enchanted reflection.

Love rayed faces

Have you noticed how beautiful people are when they love you? Summer is the best season to fall in love. The sun makes souls glow, faces smile, hearts beat faster, and eyes search for other watches and open the doors… Continuă lectura →

The legend of the two wolves

There is a Cherokee legend about an elderly brave who tells his grandson about life. „Son,” he says, „There is a battle of two wolves within us. One is evil. He is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity,… Continuă lectura →

Brave heart. Poem

I lived a life of fear. Fear of losing you, or me; fear of losing me in you. That fear became my religion, my faith. I believed that being cautious would save you or perhaps me of you and me…. Continuă lectura →

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