Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă Coaching with NLP


Did you notice we label everything and everyone around us? We analyze and compare and judge everything against every vital aspect of ourselves. We evaluate life as good, bad, ugly, outstanding, or other attributes. And those criteria represent our perceptions,… Continuă lectura →

Gone in my mind

When life gets complicated, I run from it in my mind or in my dreams. I find a cozy shelter in my neural paths, as it is all so familiar and easy up there. I have many paved trails and… Continuă lectura →

What is NLP and how can you use it in your own life?

What is NLP, and how can it help NLP is a methodology for understanding, exploring, and changing human behavior. It involves looking at the „language of our unconscious mind” to understand how we experience and create our reality. It stands… Continuă lectura →

Worries me – worries me not…

„To worry or not to worry? This is the question.” Today’s story is about the way I witness anxiety and continuous worrying. Have you ever been anxious? That feeling is weird, am I right? You are in endless alert mode…. Continuă lectura →

Choices for life

Have you ever asked yourself why you get sick sometimes? I used to have a relationship with illness. I grew up knowing and seeing the pain and suffering all around me. As a kid, I always wanted to help the… Continuă lectura →

Magical nights and creatures

It is known that the night before St. Andrews (the night of November 29th) is magical on this land. The legend says this is the night lost souls (vampires, werewolves, ghosts) transcend the border between humans and souls and return… Continuă lectura →

100 days until 40

Do you have the feeling you are getting older, too? I do. Especially when I realized earlier this week that I have less than 100 days until I get 40. I started to notice every wrinkle. I am one of… Continuă lectura →

Blame game exit

The biggest heartbreak I ever had, originated from my expectations. Did you know that we tend to put ourselves on the stage and imagine that we get the attention of other people? Social psychology proved that we don’t get as… Continuă lectura →

A life with the scent of a smile

Can you imagine to wake up every day and just be happy? Or do you remember the last time when you felt like that ? I used to wake up smiling every day. Not just smiling. With a huge smile… Continuă lectura →

The stories that once broke me

The stories that once broke me are not me. Often, I feel I am living them over and over again. That torment is absorbing me like a tornado, and it takes me back, like in „Groundhog Day,” in a timeless… Continuă lectura →

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