I lived a life of fear. Fear of losing you, or me; fear of losing me in you.

That fear became my religion, my faith.

I believed that being cautious would save you or perhaps me of you and me. I was afraid to breathe, not to breathe or blow you away!

I was afraid I couldn’t do things, I couldn’t love or be loved, I couldn’t heal or create. These were the lies I told myself to keep the fear burning and growing.

The truth is that I healed so many wounds so many times. I did millions of things, things only the bravest heroes do. I loved, caressed, and cared for me and other humans so many times I can’t even remember. I created and crafted many dreams and wishes in unimaginable shapes and forms.

The difference between the lie and the truth is the focus—two sides of the same coin.

I was, in fact, afraid of loneliness, of being solely in my presence. But, then, running from me, I saw the chimera you were, a figment of my wildest dreams igniting so I can learn to be brave, together or alone; a bold and loving girl with a caring and brave heart!

Mihaela Stancu wrote this poem, and it has all rights reserved.

(© Mihaela Stancu, published June 2020)