Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

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Totems and powers

Did you find your magic power? What about your magic totem? Today’s story is about the clues that form my kind of magic and my journey map to find them.I’ve always been nosy to know how one can find their… Continuă lectura →

The wheel of time. Poem

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The wheel of time starts spinning, and life goes back and back, To its very beginning, through nothingness to black. To where life ignited, in humans the first time, To that fantastic garden, with angel’s songs and rhymes. – The… Continuă lectura →

What is NLP and how can you use it in your own life?

What is NLP, and how can it help NLP is a methodology for understanding, exploring, and changing human behavior. It involves looking at the „language of our unconscious mind” to understand how we experience and create our reality. It stands… Continuă lectura →

Worries me – worries me not…

„To worry or not to worry? This is the question.” Today’s story is about the way I witness anxiety and continuous worrying. Have you ever been anxious? That feeling is weird, am I right? You are in endless alert mode…. Continuă lectura →

Deeper roots… Poem

I am the love adorning the earth when sunset comes,And the desire igniting in my human soul.I am the spark that sees the grace in filthy ones,The silver moon vibrating at late whispering howl. I am a watchful portal witnessing… Continuă lectura →

Choices for life

Have you ever asked yourself why you get sick sometimes? I used to have a relationship with illness. I grew up knowing and seeing the pain and suffering all around me. As a kid, I always wanted to help the… Continuă lectura →

It’s all coming back to me now

In the heights of desires, I am searching for something. I’m not sure for what precisely, yet I see the quest. It calls upon me when I am the most relaxed, the busiest, and even asleep in my dreams. I… Continuă lectura →

Don’t go back to sleep! Poem

I pose hollow and throw a fixed laser-burning look to the purple skies my eyes just caught. I urge you to open them up and see whichever lays beyond the clouds on fire. My spirit is rugged and ready to… Continuă lectura →

Truth over lies. Just thoughts…

I used to be a master of lies. It was my ideal form of disguise, my runaway from the things that hurt me. When events, people, or situations provoked my feelings, I thought showcasing my emotions weakened me, giving them… Continuă lectura →

Happy… New… Life!

The story today is about learning from our worst times, being grateful for the fantastic gift that is called life, and projecting our wildest hopes out there to make them real!

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