Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Categorie Poems

Where the night meets the light – Poem

Where the light meets the night, there is the moon, there are stars, but the soul’s gaze has a dusk sight, freezing with fear, cracking the scars. When the black reigns the night, shadows and demons come back from the… Continuă lectura →

The stone…Poem

I collided with you when looking for the sun in the dark dungeon of my being. You were there stoned with lively eyesight, watching everything around you. Your heart was cold beneath that monolith encompassing you, yet your gaze warmed… Continuă lectura →

The wheel of time. Poem

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The wheel of time starts spinning, and life goes back and back, To its very beginning, through nothingness to black. To where life ignited, in humans the first time, To that fantastic garden, with angel’s songs and rhymes. – The… Continuă lectura →

Deeper roots… Poem

I am the love adorning the earth when sunset comes,And the desire igniting in my human soul.I am the spark that sees the grace in filthy ones,The silver moon vibrating at late whispering howl. I am a watchful portal witnessing… Continuă lectura →

It’s all coming back to me now

In the heights of desires, I am searching for something. I’m not sure for what precisely, yet I see the quest. It calls upon me when I am the most relaxed, the busiest, and even asleep in my dreams. I… Continuă lectura →

Don’t go back to sleep! Poem

I pose hollow and throw a fixed laser-burning look to the purple skies my eyes just caught. I urge you to open them up and see whichever lays beyond the clouds on fire. My spirit is rugged and ready to… Continuă lectura →

Dreamverse… Poem

I can’t stop imagining our universe. That mirage, in which we are solely happy, where there is no pain, no hard choice to make, no broken dream or heart, no suffering, and no shadows. In that universe, life flows effortlessly…. Continuă lectura →

Let me be that! Poem

It’s dark in my heart now again. There is no one around—silence and blackness reign over my emptied soul realm. Yet, I am not afraid anymore. I know I am still home. This weird feeling of safety creates an energy… Continuă lectura →

Who am I? Poem.

Who am I? WHO AM I? I am….. Solely a traveler of my life who comes and goes roams to cherish their moments and experiences. Just a watcher of the show that life plays around me every day, starring old… Continuă lectura →

The traveler. Poem

I searched the Earth to find mirrors to project myself in and see who I really am. I found many of them. I was dreaming that the mirror is magical and I am Snow White – a stunning air of the enchanted reflection.

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