Some of you might not know that I have an engineering diploma – in computer science.
I’ve always been very good at math and understood physics and chemistry beyond the rigid calculations and formulas taught in school. It came naturally for me to comprehend all science practicalities in real life, at home, and in nature. I could easily see how the laws in physics govern our lives, this world, our universe, and the human connection at a physical and energetic level. I became conscious that our body is an active, physical, and chemical reactor where thoughts trigger beliefs and actions, beliefs and actions generate reactions, and reactions start emotions. Emotions influence the body’s chemistry through the hormonal system. Chemistry also translates into changes in our energetic field, physical appearance, and existence, ultimately materialized by the beliefs of who we are, how we act and react, and easily reflected by our motion patterns.
I’ll walk you today through one of my stories about when I made one of the most important life choices—the one of which University to follow. I had two alternatives: psychology or engineering. The first was choosing me. The second one was easier and more natural for me then, and as a plus, it had a mist of adventure to discover the secrets of science and befriend technology. I could become an inventor and make incredible discoveries – you know, the Big Bang Theory alike. So, with those dreams of circuits and algorithms in mind, my 18’s curiosity chose this path. Today, I am happy I did it.
Throughout that journey, I had terrific epiphanies that deepened my knowledge while learning algorithms, architectures, and technologies. I offered my brain a complete experience of understanding old and modern computer engineering and a fresh perspective on the science’s applicability in daily life. It made me transcend my gig condition and turn it into a technology lover, a person who knows how to look for the right signals and information to make an accurate diagnosis, analyze massive amounts of unstructured data, find patterns, systematize, optimize and standardize with the end goal of solving whatever problem.
Engineering lessons
It taught me that all problems are solvable.
It helped me to be able to break down big chunks into manageable pieces, understand them individually, and connect or reconnect them back together at an imaginable speed.
It helped me to strive for innovation, to see and imagine new solutions, to link pieces together, thus making use of creativity in designing new ways, daring to walk alone on unpaved roads, and making the most unimaginable connections.
It befriended me with the technology, which is now part of everyone’s life, and helped me a link to it beyond its usability.
It helped me structure my thoughts and words so that I can express the essence of the most complex things in the simplest ways, sometimes using metaphors.
It helped me break down mental processes and thoughts patterns, analyze them like a scientist, and find my solutions to problems common to many of you, too: health issues, overwhelm, and lack of self-trust.
It turns out that I finally let myself be magnetically attracted to my first love- psychology- the one that chose me first. The connection to people, curiosity about the beautiful human mind, and interactions were the catalyst and adjusting my sail all along. I started to dig deeper into this science using the lens of an engineer, with passion and wisdom, and I savor, for sure, a different flavor of it now that I know all that I know. This is how I became a connector, an integrator, a dots bond, a human problem solver, and a „Tinker Bell” of my mind, body, and soul.
I choose to do creative coaching, partner with people I work and interact with in their learning journeys, guide and witness their transformations and help them innovate their lives and existences.
These are how engineering marked me.
What marked your path?
Stay safe.
Photo credit: ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash
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