Engineering lives & careers that matter. Personal development blog

Etichetă Mihaela Stancu

Love rayed faces

Have you noticed how beautiful people are when they love you? Summer is the best season to fall in love. The sun makes souls glow, faces smile, hearts beat faster, and eyes search for other watches and open the doors… Continuă lectura →

Darker corners

In my development endeavor, I had to face lots of shadows. And I had to! There was no alternative but to ignore them. For a long time, they reminded me of an unwanted part of myself, a face I judged… Continuă lectura →

The moon-spell. Poem

I can see your face in the silver light, So majestic, so ethereal appearance you have! Your light touch feels like a warm summer breeze over the sea at night, spreading love and mystery. From the mist and clouds surrounding… Continuă lectura →

The choice of becoming

The story today is about choices and intention. I am working to increase my awareness and conscious living. So, inevitably, I started to pay more attention to what was happening within and around myself. The quarantine period promises one good… Continuă lectura →

The universe inside the mind

„Our mind is like a house.„ Inspired by the TV Series „Freud.” I was impressed by the metaphor that compared our mind with a house. The conscious mind is a light candle that illuminates one room, one part of the… Continuă lectura →

Life is life!

I realize these days, when my home is my whole world, that I made a hell of a journey until today. I love my house, my job, and my family, and my husband, and I love to spend this time… Continuă lectura →

The endless dance of shadows

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There cannot be darkness without light, nor in the absence of night, not on this Planet. There is no good without evil, no heroes without villains, no noise without silence, no acceptance without denial, nor love without hate. All pairs are different coins…. Continuă lectura →

Lessons from a witch

About me I can surely say I love to be in charge of my life, planning with courage, hope and candor all my fights. Connected to my family and friends, loved and loving, joyful and faithful I am living every… Continuă lectura →

The frozen dream

Is been a while since I experience a feeling of stillness. It is nice on the one hand, but scary on the other. It seems that everything around me is still. Like an icy rain shower that keeps everything cold… Continuă lectura →


I received a gift the other day. I feel grateful and blessed to have people around me who support me with these amazing resources. I was writing my new article on self esteem. I received a recommendation of Virginia Satir’s… Continuă lectura →

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